\(^0~)/ singin' & makin' music all day long!

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:39


b in a r c a s t er t de ... {scattered brain 0=) }

1. rantings, rantings, rantingsssss...
i really dislike it when people make a big deal out of small stuff. oops, i think a lot of people do that... and ouch, i got hit there too... well, my day just didn't have a good start...

my niece blaming her yaya for forgetting her necktie
+ my nephew being so kulit and ingay so early in the morning
+ my mom's foot getting stepped on by my pamangkin
+ yada yada yada
+ a very sleepy me
= the perfect recipe for a bad day T_T
well, not really the entire day, but the start at least... I read Philosophy Rocks! and it felt good... to be thinking a little out of the box again =)

3. happenings:
monday -
went to national bookstore to get some greeting cards... bought some stationery as well... went home really tired...

tuesday - wednesday
hmm... yesterday there was a rainbow... but i dint get to see it... aww...

thursday -
today!!! hopin' for another good day comin' up!!! it is actually gettin' better as i'm sipping my rhumba cream frap...


  • At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    at least you're happy


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