\(^0~)/ singin' & makin' music all day long!

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:39


10 things that made me smile today:

1. a simple "good morning" text
2. having a kulitan with my youngest nephew and remember him singing "bye bye na"
3. finishing that email as it reminded me of my happy days *heh*
4. seeing babes online
5. chatting with drich for a while
6. having an early client
7. being able to write in my blog twice today *heh*
8. aids' ym status: "how's your day?"
9. being "bola-ed" by my nephew that my hair looks great
10. orange juice given to me by my nephew's yaya even if i didn't ask for it =)


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