\(^0~)/ singin' & makin' music all day long!

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:39


Weighed... but found wanting 10 lbs. more... =(

When I first read about the suggestion to have a blood donation drive in church, I became somewhat excited (though just the mere thought of it might have sent shivers up my spine a few years back...) I almost became a candidate for blood transfusion myself during my senior year in college, right during our finals week, when I got secretly bitten by an Aedes aegypti specie! (I was blessed because I didn't have written orals at that time so, I just had to reschedule all my oral exams...) I got really scared then of the pain I'd have to endure... But God has been faithful that He prolonged my life, making it better everyday, and so this blood donating thing really got me thrilled, since it is one way through which I would want to thank God for the life He has given me, and even more for the blood my Christ has shed for me, an undeserving yet chosen one...

At first site of the scheduled bloodletting drive, I immediately took a mental note of the date of sched, but it was not until last Friday (2 days before bloodletting) that it hit me... I didn't know if I was eligible for blood donation! I asked friends who already had a previous experience with blood donation, and they said I could participate even if I had dengue in the past (I didn't receive blood transfusion anyway...) however, I forgot to check one of the most important criteria for eligibility... my weight... I was weighed... and found wanting at least 10 lbs more... (*Tekel is taken out of context here :">)

So there... Sad I may be that I wasn't able to give blood, at least I was able to invite a friend who was eligible and was willing to donate another bag-full on my behalf... *lolz* They didn't allow that of course

But well, for now, I'll just have to work on my weight-gaining diet first... and hope I'd be fit enough to donate next time *lolz* And for the benefit of those who don't know yet about the guidelines for blood donation... voici!!!

General and Physical Requirements of a Blood Donor*

  1. Age – Persons at least 18 years old can donate blood. Regular donors can give blood until they are 65 years old. Those aged 16-17 may also give blood with the consent of their parents or guardian.
  2. Sex – both men and women can donate blood.
  3. Weight – must be at least 50 kilos or 110 lbs.
  4. Temperature – oral temperature must not exceed 37.5 c.
  5. Pulse – must be a regular between 48 and 100 per minute
  6. Blood Pressure – must be between 110 and 200 mm.Hg systolic and less than 110 mm.Hg diastolic.
  7. Hemoglobin – must not less than 125gm. /100 ml.

Medical requirements

  1. Prospective blood donors with following diseases may not give blood:
    1. Active pulmonary tuberculosis
    2. Diabetes under insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs
    3. Rheumatic fever
    4. Asthma within two months of last attacks
    5. Chronic eczema, dermatitis, or recurring boils
    6. Cardiovascular diseases
    7. Convulsions, epilepsy or other mental diseases
    8. Kidney diseases
    9. Acute gastric ulcer within the past two years
    10. Current allergic reactions
    11. Cancer
    12. Filariasis
    13. Yaws and other long standing skin diseases
    14. Hepatitis B, Jaundice (liver disease)
    15. Syphilis & other Sexually Transmitted Infections
    16. HIV/AIDS
  1. Malaria – persons who had malaria three years ago but without recurrence can donate blood.
  2. Pregnancy – women are ineligible as donors during pregnancy and for 12 months following delivery.
  3. Surgical Operation – Prospective donors should not give blood within six months after operation.
  4. Recipients of blood or plasma transfusion – prospective donor who have received a blood transfusion with in the past six months cannot give blood.
  5. Needle pricks – Prospective donor should not give blood within six months after ear-piercing or tattoo.
  6. Illness within the lass three months – persons who have had serious illness the past three months may not give blood.
  7. Hazardous occupation – Persons who operate heavy equipment such as power machinery, cranes, buses, trains or engage in similar occupation hazardous to themselves may give blood but should not resume their occupation for at least five hours after donation. Air crew should not resume work until 24 hours after the donation.
  8. Drug & Alcohol intake – under the discretion of medical in-charge.

Note: The final medical assessment will depend on the physician in charge.

*taken from Philippine National Red Cross Youth Pledge 25: Guidebook on Blood Donor Recruitment and Retention



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