\(^0~)/ singin' & makin' music all day long!

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:39


My Little Daneil

Daneil with his mom... 0=) Posted by Hello

He's 1 week old now... Francis Daniel Duena, my cousin Theresa's first baby boy... He's such an angel! At first, I was kinda hesitant of allowing him to stay in my room... I've heard horror stories of people hardly being able to sleep anymore because of a tiny little baby's crying in the middle of the night... But Daneil? He's so different... A literal angel at that... He'd only whimper when he's really hungry already... This made me worry a bit coz it really isn't normal for babies not to cry their heart's out, but I later on learned that this boy knows how to cry also, whenever his nurse gives him his injection shots... He'd cry a 2-second really loud baby cry... followed by 3-4 1-second not-so-loud cry... and then go back to sleep, as if nothing happened... 0=)

Daneil has (probably his dad's) little eyes... My Mom thinks his nose looks the same as his mom's and his lips? I don't know yet =) Maybe same as mine? Just kidding =p Yesterday while I was watching him I saw a mole on his left forehead... (you can't see it in the pic, it's too small) it's almost at the same spot where my favorite Uncle, his Lolo, has his own... and the shape of his feet are the same shape of my Lolo's, his Great Granddad...

It's just so sad to think that his Lolo and Great Granddad never had the chance to see this little angel... And I very much hope he'd remain angelic to all of us until he grows up... He's just so adorable... and I can't help but love him like he's my own... 0=)



Yeah yeah... i shouldn't be blogging now... but i'm tired... my computer desktop is almost full of files already... and my physical desktop has the same fate... can time just stop for a while so i can clean up my mess... and decide first what i really really wanna do???

I've been bloghopping for the past thirty minutes or so... been to my friends' sites... two of them are out of the country now... one in the States and the other in China... and reading through their blogs made me realize how sad it is to be far away from home...

My plans in life... well one of them is to leave the country... for financial reasons... not that my needs aren't well provided for but I just want to be independent... to make a living of my own... on my own... I just wanna try how it is to live alone... My own rules... My own ways... Not that I'm the 'naughty girl' type... but sometimes it gets tiring to have to ask permission from my mom everytime I wanna go out... Not that she wouldn't let me... But she always had to know what time I'll be goin home... I understand her concerns but well... I think I'm just not that used to her being around...

Ok so I wanna leave... Singapore maybe? Since it's not as hard to get there as it is to go to the US... But then again, reading my friends' blogs made me reconsider... Can I really make it on my own??? Can I stand the loneliness and alienation they've been having lately? I'll miss my family terribly... My boss-my Atchie that I really look up to, my Mom who I dearly love (despite her being overprotective at times) my little angels... Francine, JR, Andee and Frankee... and now Daneil... and my friends... who'd always been there for me... and him... who'd been ever so patient towards me...

Then it hits you... Life is indeed too short... To do everything you want to... So right now, I'll just do what makes me happy where I am... Cherishing every moment I spend with people who matter... My little angels' simple joys and laughters, my friends endless hirits... and the warmth of having my family just where I need them to be... =)